"I will show the exact strategy I used to make more than $24,000 in a single month"

Imagine earning ₦35,000,000 in just 30 days. Stop imagining because I plan to show you how I did it. I have created a step-by-step outline that will show you how I built multiple online businesses that generates more than $6,000 in recurring income, every single month 🤯

What is the Monthly $1k Master Class About?

Monthly $1k in an Intense 16-hour, 5-day intensive masterclass packed with invaluable insights and proven strategies that helped us scale our business from three million naira per month to earning more than 15 million Naira in September.

Through a combination of live lectures, case studies, and hands-on exercises, we will guide you step-by-step, empowering you to replicate our results and make your first FIVE MILLION NAIRA, online.

The Monthly $1k masterclass is much more than just a learning experience. It’s a powerful tool that empowers you to take control of your financial destiny and achieve unparalleled success. Join now and start your journey toward financial independence.

Resource Highlight:

Course Curriculum:


Class Duration:

16hr 42min





Original price was: ₦60,000.00.Current price is: ₦35,000.00.

90 Days Money-Back Guarantee

If you do not make your first $1,000 within 90 days of applying the principles we shared in the class, we will refund your money. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

What You Get When You Enroll

This intense series will guide you through proven strategies in e-commerce, freelancing, agency building, and no-code website development.

The masterclass is a complete culmination of proven strategies that led to our staggering earnings and now we’re sharing those secrets with you.

In this game-changing class, we delve deep into e-commerce, freelancing, and no-code website design. Regardless of your current skill level, this masterclass is designed to elevate you to new heights

In our e-commerce section, we don’t just teach you how to identify profitable products and set up an efficient online store using Shopify or WooCommerce. We’ll also show you how to market your products in a way that propels your sales and attract customers.

Our freelancing module is a masterclass in standing out in a competitive market and securing high-paying jobs and international clients.

When it comes to no-code website design, you’ll learn how to build visually stunning, high-converting websites without writing a single line of code. YES, WE’LL SHOW YOU HOW TO BUILD FANTASTIC WEBSITES that generate passive income.

But we don’t stop there. We reveal the insider secrets and untold strategies that the industry giants use to stay on top. You’ll learn how to leverage these strategies for your own benefit, boosting your income and securing your financial future.

Enroll in the Monthly $1k today and start transforming your financial status. This program is not “just another masterclass”, we’re offering you a promise – a promise of expertise, success, and financial freedom. 

By the end of the class, you’ll have the expertise to boost your income and achieve financial freedom. Enroll today and transform your financial status.

Don't Take Our Word For It, Here's Proof!

Click to zoom☝🏼

I Will Show You How I Created An Amazon Storefront That Made $8,000 IN ONE MONTH

In April, I found a niche product on Amazon, and boom – $8,000 in a single month. Simple as that. No rocket science, just a solid strategy. I will show you how we research and find profitable products, find customers, and rake in profits from my living room. 

I Will Show You How I Set Up A Freelance Agency That Makes $4,000 In Recurring Income Every Month

I was once a small freelancer hustling for gigs. Today, I run a freelance agency that pulls in over $2,000 in recurring income each month. How did I leap? The journey involved pitfalls, victories, and a lot of learning. In the Monthly $1k, I will share my strategy to find high-paying, long-term clients.

Click to zoom☝🏼
Click to zoom☝🏼

I Will Show You How I Built Multiple Websites And Niche Sites That Makes More Than $3,000 Per Month

Building websites isn’t just about looks; it’s about making money. I’ve been there, done that, and now I’m sharing how I turned multiple websites and niche sites into a passive income source.

I Will Show You How I Created An Ecommerce Brand That Makes ₦2.5m Every Month

Our eCom brand makes almost 3 million Naira and process more than 600 orders per month, selling to Nigerians. We’ve never spent a dime on ads, every single order we’ve made was organic. I’ll be sharing the exact methods we used to identify, grow, optimize, and scale.

Click to zoom☝🏼

As a freelancer, I often faced rejections from international clients simply because I was based in Nigeria. They were hesitant to work with me due to payment issues and trust concerns. After using the OneClick LLC Setup Guide to form a U.S. LLC, I was able to open a U.S. bank account and verify my PayPal and Stripe accounts. This drastically improved my credibility and made it easier for clients to pay me. My business has grown exponentially since then. This guide is a must-have for any freelancer looking to break into international markets.

Chioma Isikaku

Freelancer/Remote Worker

As a Nigerian freelancer, I faced difficulties securing gigs on Upwork due to my non-US residency. It was frustrating to see opportunities pass me by. Thankfully, this guide came to the rescue! After setting up my US-based LLC, I could apply for jobs as a business entity. This game-changing move opened up a new world of opportunities and helped me achieve my professional goals faster than I thought!

Olatunji O.


One Click LLC helped me establish a US-based business with ease. They guided me through creating a PayPal and Stripe account and setting up a US bank account. Now, I can easily receive money from international clients. Their support was invaluable, and I highly recommend them to any Nigerian entrepreneur looking to expand their business globally.

Nwafor Obinna

Graphic Designer

It is opened my mind to how to expand my business outside Nigeria! Clear, concise and well-paced course.

Dada E.


Selling products online was challenging due to high shipping costs and payment processing issues. After using the OneClick LLC Setup Guide to form an LLC, I was able to reduce shipping costs and set up PayPal and Stripe accounts for smoother transactions. 5 stars, super recommended.


Ecommerce CEO

OneClick LLC Setup Guide helped me establish an LLC, enhancing my credibility, making it easier to receive payments, and I now work with top brands.

Yemi C.


One Click LLC is the ultimate solution for Nigerian entrepreneurs seeking high-paying clients. Their expertise in forming an LLC, opening a US bank account, and taking my business international. They made the entire process stress-free. I can't recommend them enough


Watch A Session For Free

This isn’t just a sneak peek, it’s a full-fledged session from our comprehensive masterclass, a genuine taste of the knowledge, strategies, and insights we have for you.

Course Highlight

This 19-hour intensive masterclass will equip you with the skills and knowledge to replicate the success that we’ve recorded over the years.

With hands-on exercises, live lectures, and real-life case studies, we leave no stone unturned in ensuring you understand and can apply these strategies effectively.

You will learn to identify profitable income streams, create efficient online stores, and design high-converting websites – all without needing any coding experience. We will also guide you on how to find niche products that sell, set up a TikTok shop, optimize your e-commerce store with advanced SEO techniques, and much more.

By the end of the course, you will not only be proficient in these income-generating strategies, but you will also receive a Certificate of Completion to validate and showcase your new expertise.

Start your journey with a solid foundation. Understand the course objectives, and structure, and how to make the most of this learning experience.

If you think building successful businesses are just a stroke of luck? Think again. This module is a break down the exact processes and strategic thinking that built our empire. Get an in-depth look into our success stories and case study sites. Learn about the strategies and decisions that led to our multi-million Naira businesses.

The leap into entrepreneurship is fraught with hurdles, and without the right mindset, the dream can quickly become a nightmare. Learn how to think strategically, overcome challenges and stay motivated throughout your entrepreneurial journey.

In today’s digital world, a website is your business’s heart. Yet, many potential entrepreneurs get stuck at the starting blocks, intimidated by the technicality of building a web presence. In this module, we’ll dive deep in to creating visually stunning and high-converting websites without any coding experience.

Ever wondered why certain websites pop up first on Google while others languish unseen? The answer is SEO. Your website is useless if customers/visitors can’t find it. This module will cover how to optimize your website to rank higher on search engines and attract organic traffic.

Choosing the right platform for your e-commerce business can feel like navigating a labyrinth. We simplify this critical decision by comparing WooCommerce and Shopify. By the end of this session, you’ll have a clear understanding of which platform aligns with your business goals and how to leverage it for maximum gain.

E-commerce can be a goldmine or a minefield. The difference lies in how you start. From selecting a profitable niche to crafting a compelling brand story, this module covers it all. Learn how to stand out in the crowded digital marketplace and build a brand that resonates with customers and keeps them coming back.

Freelancing offers freedom but also brings uncertainty. Where do you find clients? How do you price your services? We’ll tackle these questions head-on, transforming the freelance landscape from a wilderness to a well-trodden path to success.

The perfect proposal can be the golden ticket to a wealth of opportunities, but a poor one can close doors before they even open. We’ll take you through the steps to understand client needs, articulate your value, and seal the deal.

Breaking into platforms like Upwork can feel like cracking a secret code. We’ll give you the cipher. From creating a profile that stands out to maintaining a stellar reputation, these insider tips will elevate your Upwork presence and increase your project win rate.

Learn to work smarter, not harder. Discover the tools that offer freedom from the daily grind and how you can scale your business without burning out.

AI is not just for tech giants. We introduce you to AI tools that are easy to use and can give you an edge in marketing, customer service, and more.

Tap into the power of social media and turn a following into a funnel for your business. We show you how to grow and monetize theme pages effectively.

It’s easier to sell to an engaged audience. We’ll teach you strategies to transform customers into a loyal community of online followers.

Unlock the potential of WhatsApp as a marketing tool. You’ll learn to use your status to engage contacts, boost visibility, and increase sales.

In this bonus module, we’ll guide you through the complexities of LLC formation. We’ll help you understand its benefits, such as protecting your personal assets and providing tax advantages. We’ll walk you through the entire process of setting up an LLC, making it simple and manageable.

Each module of this course is designed to address common pain points with targeted solutions, using a mix of strategic teachings and psychological approaches. You’ll be equipped not only with the knowledge but also the confidence to turn the challenges of digital entrepreneurship into stepping stones for success.

Start Your Journey Today

This course offers a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to mastering the skills and strategies that have helped us and countless others generate massive income.

Community Access

Your journey doesn’t end with the masterclass. Instead, you gain lifetime access to an exclusive community of like-minded entrepreneurs and trailblazers. Here, collaboration meets innovation, where questions find answers and challenges turn into opportunities.

Live Sessions

The Monthly $1k Masterclass is treasure trove of marketing wisdom, designed to give you an edge in a competitive digital landscape. Whether it’s building high-converting websites, harnessing the power of social media algorithms, or deploying targeted ad campaigns, this program offers a deep dive into the strategies that drive success.

Money-Back Guarantee

Upon completion of the Monthly $1k masterclass, you won’t just walk away with new insights and skills. You’ll earn a certification that symbolizes your commitment and expertise.


This masterclass is tailored for aspiring entrepreneurs, small business owners, freelancers, and anyone looking to master e-commerce, leverage freelancing, or build stunning no-code websites. If you’re ready to take control of your financial future and learn actionable skills that can lead to real income, this is for you.

You’ll learn how to build and scale an e-commerce business, create professional websites without coding, optimize for search engines, kickstart your freelancing career with award-winning proposals, and much more. The masterclass is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical tools to help you create a significant online income stream.

No prior experience is necessary. Our masterclass caters to both beginners and those with some experience, ensuring that everyone can follow along and benefit from the material presented.

You will have lifetime access to the masterclass materials. This means you can revisit the content anytime you need a refresher or want to dive deeper into a specific topic.

Yes, upon completing the masterclass, you will receive a certification that acknowledges your newfound skills and dedication to learning. This certification can enhance your professional credibility and showcase your expertise to potential clients or employers.

You’ll gain access to an exclusive online community for ongoing support, where you can connect with peers, share insights, and seek advice. Additionally, you’ll be able to ask questions and receive guidance from the course creators and community moderators.

We stand by the value and quality of our masterclass. However, if you’re not satisfied, we offer a guarantee: If you do not make your first $1,000 within 90 days after completing the masterclass, following our strategies, we will offer you a full refund. Terms and conditions apply.

The price of the masterclass includes full access to all course materials, bonuses, and the online community. There are no mandatory additional costs associated with the masterclass. Any extra tools, software, or services that may be recommended are optional.

The OneClick Automated Income Masterclass is unique in its intensive and immersive approach, combining live lectures, case studies, hands-on exercises, and personal mentorship. It’s designed to provide not just information, but transformation, with proven strategies that have led to significant real-world success.

Ready to Expand Your Business Internationally?

Don’t let complexities and high costs hold you back. With the OneClick LLC Setup Guide, you can unlock the full potential of your business and reach new heights. Start your journey today and take control of your business’s future with confidence and ease.

Original price was: ₦60,000.00.Current price is: ₦35,000.00.

Monthly $1k
Original price was: ₦60,000.00.Current price is: ₦35,000.00.